What are the possible order statuses?

The possible order statuses are:

  • Open: order has gone to market but is not filled.
  • Filled: order has passed through to the destination and was filled.
  • Partial filled: order has passed through to the destination and was filled where fill quantity is less than the order quantity.
  • Received: order has been received by the Scotiasystem but has not yet been routed to its destination.
  • Cancelled pending: cancel order has been received by the Scotiasystem but has not yet been routed to its destination.
  • Partial fill expired: This partially-filled order is now expired. Expired: this order is expired.
  • Cancelled: Indicates a request has been sent either electronically or through an Investment Representative to cancel an order. A cancelled status does not necessarily mean the order has been cancelled at the Stock Exchange. All cancels are subject to prior fills.
  • Rejected: An Investment Representative or the system has rejected the order and the order is no longer valid.
Last updated September 24, 2024